Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome back.

The first day was a little slow for everyone and it may take another day to get back into the learning groove.

Today we began a more focussed approach to doing our Community Circle exercise.  The sharing in  front of the class had to do with a happy or relaxed memory from the two week vacation.  I allowed the class some time to share and chat about their break:

I returned the marks from the presentation portion of the Media project.  I was very pleased with the efforts the students put forward and how they used the Success Criteria chart to help guide their work. 

I also gave back the Math tests from the last week of school from 2012.  Monique scored a perfect score on the test.  We went over the test and the opportunity is there for the students to do Rewrites to improve their test scores.

Here are the two pages from Monique's test.  There were a number of other strong marks from the class and those students should be proud of their efforts.

I am still trying to figure out where to fit in a small unit on Multiplication.  I think it is important that the class learn this skill, along with being able to divide.  We introduced the concepts with a few notes from the board and a short journey into how the operation of division works.

Some journies into multiplication and division
- Day 1 on Multiplication skills (for 2,3,4,5)
- Rewrites due on Wednesday
- Read 15 min
- bring $.30 for movie on Friday

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